Met trots presenteren wij onze


Naast het ontwikkelen van nieuwe trainingen werken wij samen met (inter)nationale marktpartijen om nieuwe en vaak innovatieve kennis op te doen.
Dit doen we door samenwerkingen en projecten moet het doel om nieuwe kennis te vertalen naar trainingen en om een zo goed mogelijke aansluiting te maken tussen onze opleidingen en het werkveld.

Partnership ACRATS

In our partnership with Acrats Training Services, AM&TS is offering a complete portfolio of paint, sheet metal and composite training. Also we developed a learning path for both sheet metal and composite. Our focal point is to provide training to turn technicians into skilled structural repair specialists with hands-on experience using the latest techniques and certified under SAE.

Partnership First Scandinavia and Boeing

FIRST Scandinavia has developed its successful Newton Room Concept. The Newton Room demonstrates a unique and innovative way to inspire students in an age group 13 – 17 to a STEM educational environment. A key component of the Newton expansion is our innovative container solution; the Mobile Newton Room. In our cooperation with First Scandinavia and Boeing, the AM&TS bring the Mobile Newton Room to the Netherlands.

Partnership RJC

Regional Jet Center (member of KLM Group) and AM&TS have had a close relation in regards to Part 66 training and other technical training for many years. By launching their concept “RJC Route 66”, young technicians without full licenses gain the opportunity to combine work and train to obtain their AML. This program is unique in the Netherlands. For more information and applications for this program please check:

Partnership TUI

TUI E&M and AM&TS collaborate in the area of aircraft technical training and education. According to TUI it is important to invest in training young technicians to be ready for the future. The increase of aircraft technical students is even necessary to meet the expected demand of the future. TUI shows themself at AM&TS in Hoogerheide to inform students about internship and career opportunities. Also Tui organizes masterclasses for both students and teachers of the AM&TS.

EducAvia (Interreg IV, 2018-2020)

Een project van Interreg IV: uitbouw van kennisregio rondom luchtvaarttechnieken. De Aircraft Maintenance & Training School is trotse partner in het Interreg IV project Educavia.
Educavia: opleidingstekort vs. opleidingsaanbod
De luchtvaartsector is een belangrijk marktsegment voor de Vlaamse en Nederlandse economie met een sterk (groei)potentieel aan werkgelegenheid.
Tegelijkertijd stelt men vast dat er te weinig afstemming is tussen het opleidingsaanbod en de opleidingsnood. Met een onderwijsconcept dat is gebaseerd op deze regelgeving kunnen studenten in alle Europese lidstaten aan de slag. Deze kennis zal AM&TS inzetten om het Educavia project te ondersteunen.

Partnership Aviato Academy

Aviato Academy is a knowledge, training and learning ecosystem for - and by the aviation industry in Flanders. Via this partnership, AM&TS offers its EASA Part 66 /147 training and their entire training portfolio to the aviation industry in Flanders.

Ice without a smartwatch: about innovation and the next generation

Managing Director - Boeing Benelux & Nordics

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